
July 4, 2013

Back in the Saddle

Happy 4th of July to the Americans out there.

This is the first year in the seven I have lived abroad I will be celebrating with a proper BBQ.  And by proper I mean with guests.  Usually Pete and I have a twosome of burgers and corn on the cob.  I wear red, white and blue and play some classic rock while we shiver on our back deck.  This year may be the same but at least we won't be alone.

But on the the quilting...

This week I managed to finally make some progress on the Dino Picnic.  I managed to cut out strips for binding.  It's a small step but considering I did it over the course of two baby naps I think it is major progress.  I even managed to clean up after myself.  I don't know if you appreciate what a big deal I consider this achievement.  

I believe I mentioned earlier that I purchased a pair of khakis for the binding.  My mother in law was a bit horrified I purchased clothing just to cut it up.  I explained they weren't new and I was fulfilling a bit of a mission for myself of always reusing where possible.  I don't know that she really understood (who does really?) but she was less horrified when I said I only spent £3.  Of course purchasing used trousers isn't really the same as using a pair I already have but let's not split hairs here. 

I was determined to get as much as I could out of these chinos. I went with a bit wider of strip than usual as I plan to 'stitch in the ditch' with this quilt and I want to be sure I have a wide enough binding to catch.  I went with three inch strips which left me with the waist band, pockets and a zipper. 

Actually, I'm thinking of trying to salvage the pocket lining fabric for a future project.  I'll keep you posted on that one.  After careful placement and trimming I ended up with a variety of lengths.

I have no idea if this will end up being enough so I wasn't going to waste any bits.  Next up is sewing them all together and hoping I have enough.  

All of this was done in relative silence.  Perhaps not remarkable to anyone else but a first for me.  Remember back at the beginning when I had a soundtrack and inspiration for each section of quilting?  How wonderfully organized and thoughtful of me.  This week I worked in relative silence so I could hear the baby waking.  Of course there was a weak soundtrack of the procedural crime dramas I left on the TV in the other room as white noise for the baby but that doesn't really count.  

Despite the silence, I found I was eerily efficient.  It's amazing what you can get done in 20 minutes when a baby could wake at any moment.  Let's hope the efficiency holds when I finally manage to get the sewing machine out of storage and get to work attaching the binding.  

My hope is to have the quilt done by the end of the month.  That may be ambitious seeing as I am working in 20 minute intervals every few days but it's worth a shot.  

Are there any new mums (or veteran mums) reading?  How do you manage sewing with a little one around?  Or am I courting disaster and heartache by trying to resume any hobby which can't be accomplished one-handed from the couch? 

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