
May 20, 2013

The Technicolor Baby Quilt

Earlier this month, I discussed the final baby quilt I have planned for this year.  My manager is due in August, and time is definitely ticking, as we're currently planning her baby shower.  She isn't finding out the gender before she gives birth, so to add onto the already nerve-wracking task of making a quilt for someone, I have to also consider that this baby could be a boy or a girl--and I really have no way to prepare (and, honestly, neither does she).

As of, oh, four days ago, I had decided on making the Thimble Blossoms Juggle quilt with fabrics from my stash. With all the awesome fabrics coming out this summer, I wanted to spend more money on fabric for me, and also create some room for it!  I grabbed about twenty fabrics and posted a picture to Instagram, asking for input.  It's so hard to stay neutral, because blues and green looks great together, and purple and pink look great together, but the four don't necessarily work well.  And I didn't want to go too modern with black and white--that isn't my manager or her husband, even.  But I was going to make it work!

Yesterday evening, after we got home from our road trip (you can read about it in Sunday's post in Queen City Stitcher), I opened the new Quilty magazine to relax.  Do you read Quilty?  I bought the first issue last summer, as I was getting into quilting, and wasn't impressed.  It just seemed too basic, maybe, or not modern enough.  I have a hard time relating to most quilting magazines because they aren't modern enough!  But I kept buying the new issues and it really has gotten better and better.  The newest issue has quilt patterns from Ellen Luckett-Baker, Sarah Watson, and Katie Clarke Blakesley, just to name a few.  Plus, it has some sarcastic/witty moments, and I thing the commentary is relevant.

Anyway!  I found a great quilt in it that I had to make: Rainbow Baby, by Cynthia Brunz.  It's a rainbow design on a white background--perfect for both sexes.  And the size--48" by 54"--is a great crib size, or would be perfect for playing on the floor, whatever my manager chooses.  It was kismet!

I started pulling fabrics and slicing squares today.  Here's some progress:

My current stash is color-coded, which makes this task pretty easy!

All five color families and the plan in Quilty

Red and orange--I'm using the same deer print in both colors

Green and blue--using the scissors in yellow and blue!


With the holiday weekend coming up, I should have plenty of time to work on this, my do.Good stitches quilt, and some other projects.

What do you think?  And what are you working on?  Thanks to Christina Cantrall for her guest post Friday!

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