
February 6, 2013

Triangles, Triangles everywhere


A lesson in patience.  Cutting all these triangles is tedious. I'm feeling out of my element.  The last two pieces I made were based almost entirely on the materials themselves.  The t-shirts dictated their shape based on logos.  The remnants came in a squarish shape so I went with 'half square triangles' (or HST as their known in the quilting world, as Emily informed me after the fact).  Pete's shirts are not lending themselves to any particular shape on their own.

Based on the backing fabric, I decided to go with a triangle pattern to mirror the bunting.  This means cutting out a lot of triangles.  I started with the sleeves and front panels of each shirt.  The palette was looking a little washed out so I threw in a few triangles from extra backing fabric.

After three rounds of cutting triangles I couldn't bear to look at any more.  I used to have the same feeling ironing these shirts.  When Pete retired these I was so pleased to never have to iron them again.  Of course I did iron them one last time before I chopped them up into triangles.  It was bitter sweet.  

I felt it was time to mess with possible patterns.  Before I began cutting I attempted to plan out a few possibilities.  It wasn't working, so I started cutting.  I figured I would wing it when the time came.

The time came and I was still clueless.  I have gone through about five different versions of similar patterns and now I am even more clueless.  So many possibilities!!

I hit on one particularly geometric repeating pattern that reminds me of a circus tent (can't get away from it) and one with a more subtle pattern that looks a little haphazard.

Pictures have been taken of each and I will deliberate for a bit.  Maybe I'll attempt some chaos.

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