
November 13, 2012

Moving While Sewing

So...I'm late.  This weekend was a whirlwind of crazy activities--house-hunting included--and I woke up yesterday only to realize I never scheduled a post.  Being a strict rule-follower, I felt awful and immediately apologized to Ariel.  We drove home yesterday and I figured I'd write a new post today.

So we are moving, and I am not sewing.  What should I talk about?  I haven't even lifted the cover off of my sewing machine in two weeks, and I'll only use it this week to repair one of Nick's shirts (why do his sleeves rip all the time?  Why?).  Because things will be pretty quiet around here for a while, I decided to write about moving, and how I'm figuring out this process.

I've moved a lot.  This will be my eighth move in 25 years.  Packing, getting movers, looking for a new house--these are all old hat to me.  They're no less stressful, but they're familiar and I can call on my family for advice, should I need it, as they've moved even more.  However, this time, I have a sewing machine and a lot of fabric to move.  While I've always had books to move, and have considered them my hobby, sewing has become my true hobby, and I don't want to spend too much time away from the machine.

Here are some steps I've taken:

Pack fabric in plastic containers
For whatever reason, it just made sense to me to pack all my fabric together, so I wouldn't lose a box, and in something I can use as storage later.  I went to Target and bought a huge (66 quart?  20 gallon?  I have no idea--big) Rubbermaid storage container with a locking lid.

I stacked fabric inside with scraps on top, so the scraps would have to be dealt with first.  Even if I do end up throwing scraps back in here, I will at least have to go through everything before throwing in the towel.  I'll know where everything is and can take inventory as I'm unpacking.

Pack like items together.
This makes sense to most people, but some need a reminder.  All my patterns are in one box.  All WIPs--such as those quilt tops I suddenly don't have time for!--are in another.  My batting will probably go without a box, but will need to stay together.  I label everything and make sure nothing gets thrown into a kitchen or bedroom box.  Once I'm in my sewing room everything will be a thousand times easier to unpack as well.

Take your machine with you.
I don't know about you, but my sewing machine is my most valued appliance, after my KitchenAid mixer.  While the mixer will get a ride in the truck, my sewing machine will sit on the floor of my car behind my seat (next to my iMac, I'm guessing).  While my mother has always packed her machines and never had a problem, something just feels wrong about letting it go.  It's a very expensive machine.  I don't have the cash to replace it right away.  I'd rather have it, and its cover and accessories, safe in my Yaris than being squished under our couch or something.  Plus, once I sit it in our front guest room, that means the space is mine!

Our boxes will arrive today, and my last day of work is tomorrow, so I have a lot of work to do!  I plan on doing a Friday Round-up, but things might be a little quiet from me in the next week as I get settled in a new house and a new city and state!  However, I have some exciting things planned for the holidays and the new year, so you'll hear from me again soon!

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