
October 9, 2012

Halloween Quilt for Cloud9

Ahh, late post!  Sorry everyone.  Yesterday was a holiday here in the States, so I figured I'd write my post as soon as I got up.  My broken keyboard had other ideas.  So here I am today, with sniffles and tights, because apparently it's winter already.  As a southerner, I'm truly not a fan.

About a month ago, I tweeted that I wanted to make a fall quilt.  We all know that turned into the Modern Maples quilt, which didn't take a whole lot of convincing to get me to sew.  But Michelle from Cloud9 Fabrics sent me an email, asking if I'd like to make a quilt for their Quilt Market booth from a new line, Happy Drawing, Too!, which is currently in stores.  I worked with Michelle for spring Quilt Market and Cloud9 is a great company to work with, not to mention their fabrics are amazing.  I jumped at the chance.

Michelle chose the fabrics and pattern; I pieced the quilt; and my mom backed, quilted, and bound it, along with adding a pole pocket to the back so they can hang it at Market.  This was my first time sewing curves in a quilt, which a lot of people freak out about.  I was a little nervous, but honestly, it wasn't too different from sewing curves in garments, and if you've done one, you can do the other.  Promise!

Michelle has been posting some pictures of it on Cloud9's Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr pages, but I wanted to share some of my own that I took before sending it up.  If anyone is interested in the pattern or fabric used, let me know and I'll get you the information.

Nick held this up for me outside.  What a good sport.


My mom quilted it simply, but I loved it, and thought it was perfect!  Also the fabric looks gray, but it was backed in black Kona.
What are you planning for fall sewing?  Do you make Halloween costumes?  Tell me about it!

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