
October 12, 2012

Friday Round-up

Each Friday, one of us does a little round-up of stuff that has stuck in the brain this week.  Kind of like an ear-wig, but with stuff.  Ear-wigs are okay, too.  It's not always sewing related.

I have kind of avoided the internet for awhile so I have no great links for you today.   However, I have been thinking about the memories attached to things.  A by-product of recently handling most of our things as they were packed onto a truck and unpacked into our new home, but also the point of my particular quilt.

Not every quilt I make will come with pre-packaged memories.  In fact I am looking forward to creating something from memory-free materials and seeing what stories appear, however, the stories held by material objects is a bit of an obsession of mine.

Today I bring you three books which play with this idea of story-infused things.

This is now a movie which focuses on the tempestuous mother/daughter relationship.  However, for me, this book centers on a ratty old album full of the detritus of life.  This album holds the Divine Secrets of a particular life and how it entwines with her dearest friends.  Some bits are self-explanatory, some bits are familiar yet not clear and some will forever be secrets.

Leading on from a novel about a scrapbook, this novel is written as a scrap book, or in this case, an auction brochure.  It's a story of a relationship that didn't work told exclusively through items belonging to each partner.  The story of their courtship, relationship and unwinding is told through photographs and descriptions of each item.  Fascinating.

Finally, as this is a quilting blog, a book about the secrets and stories sewn into a particular quilt.  This novel is also now a movie, but I recommend sticking with the book.  This is written as half tutorial and half memoir.  It's a very moving piece about the different kinds of love existing in the world and the very different ways women love.

So there is your fall reading list.  Snuggle up and enjoy.

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