
August 6, 2012

We Have a Quilt Top!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to first quilt top!

"The quilt you can make in a day," as the envelope states, though it took me closer to two weeks.  Oh well!  I guess that's a day if you don't have a job and have lots of time to spend at your sewing machine.  I do not fit that criteria.

After my update last week, I took the time to press and layout the blocks Thursday night.  Nick had to work until almost nine, so it was me and Eleanor laying everything out.  I'd get it as I wanted it, then she'd run through and turn them all over.  What a big help!

Once they were laid out, which took all of ten minutes (including moving the couch for room), I stacked them up and sewed strips.  I timed it--it took an average of eight minutes to sew each block together for strips.  As I was finishing the last strip, Nick texted me to say he was on his way home.  Perfect!

Today I pressed the strips and joined them as instructed.  To look at this quilt without any background, it's almost overwhelming: there are lots of colors and it seems like there's no order in the placement.  But as you make it, you realize there's actually a ton of order and a repeat pattern throughout the whole thing.  I was really impressed with the design, the level of knowledge needed (not much, as evidenced by me) and the instructions.  

Once I finished, I realized my ironing board is too small to iron this (I made the throw size).  Shoot!  Sorry, folks.  If I take it to my mom's to get quilted, I use her board; otherwise, oh well!

I still don't have the backing or binding, but seeing as it's August and this is a Christmas quilt, I don't think I need to rush.  

Of course, my squares aren't perfect, so don't look too closely!  But for a first-timer, this isn't terrible.  And it's given me the confidence to make something new!  But what oh what should I make next?

How's your progress?  Any ideas on what I should do next?


  1. You are a machine. A speedy machine.

  2. I guess an ironing board for Christmas wouldn't be out of the question, would it? Beautiful job, I'm impressed :)

    1. Thanks! :) If I could fit a full-sized iron in my apartment, believe me, I'd have it!
